
Resinas – Rellenos Blancos

Resinas – Rellenos Blancos

Las Resinas son uno de los tratamientos más realizados, los rellenos sin metal son la mejor opción después de...

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Invisalign & Damon Braces

Invisalign & Damon Braces

Invisalign es un tipo diferente de tratamiento de ortodoncia para enderezar la sonrisa, la principal diferencia es que está...

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All on 4 (Dentadura Fija Con Implantes)

All on 4 (Dentadura Fija Con Implantes)

All on 4  dental implants from Innovation Dental Clinic in Tijuana,  can restore your smile and teeth function, All...

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Puentes Fijos

Puentes Fijos

One of the most common ways to replace missing teeth is through the procedure of a fixed bridge. A...

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Diseño De Sonrisa

Diseño De Sonrisa

  ¡Tener un cambio de sonrisa en Innovation Dental Clinic Tijuana mejorará su sonrisa, aumentará su confianza y le...

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Coronas Dentales

Coronas Dentales

Dental Crown or Cap is a restoration treatment that fully covers a tooth giving it a brand new look...

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Innovation Dental Clinic ofrece el tratamiento de conductos en Tijuana a un costo accesible, el procedimiento lo realiza un...

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Implantes Dentales

Implantes Dentales

Tijuana is one of the best places to have Implants, at Innovation Dental Clinic we offer high quality and...

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Veneers – Carillas

Veneers – Carillas

Dental veneers at Innovation Dental Clinic Tijuana are the best restorative and time saving option that improves your smile...

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Veneers – Carillas

Veneers – Carillas

Dental veneers at Innovation Dental Clinic Tijuana are the best restorative and time saving option that improves your smile...

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Coronas Dentales

Coronas Dentales

Dental Crown or Cap is a restoration treatment that fully covers a tooth giving it a brand new look...

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All on 4 (Dentadura Fija Con Implantes)

All on 4 (Dentadura Fija Con Implantes)

All on 4  dental implants from Innovation Dental Clinic in Tijuana,  can restore your smile and teeth function, All...

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Implantes Dentales

Implantes Dentales

Tijuana is one of the best places to have Implants, at Innovation Dental Clinic we offer high quality and...

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Innovation Dental Clinic ofrece el tratamiento de conductos en Tijuana a un costo accesible, el procedimiento lo realiza un...

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Diseño De Sonrisa

Diseño De Sonrisa

  ¡Tener un cambio de sonrisa en Innovation Dental Clinic Tijuana mejorará su sonrisa, aumentará su confianza y le...

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